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Volleyball » Grand Prix (W), 2. round
21.08.2014. 12:15 Finished
Japan - Turkey (3:0)

Turkey surprised Brazil and turned into a title contender in Japan

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Japan have their chance to get back at Turkey for the defeat at the start fo this competition. Both teams are in good shape and full of confidence

Japan are the home team against Turkey at the final tournament they're hosting in Tokio, in a chance to get back at Turkey for the defeat at the start of this competition. Turkey beat Japan 3-0 in Ankara back in August (29-27, 25-19 and 25-21). The Japanese players made many mistakes in that match. They've improved their form since, and Turkey have their best setter Naz Aydemir back.

- It's always hard to play against Japan, and we improved bit by bit as the match progressed. I'm pleased with our overall performance, as the opponents are among the top three teams in the world- said Turkey coach Barbolini, an Italian, praising Japan after the victory in their last match.

Turkey confirmed they are in great shape with a somewhat surprising victory over Brazil yesterday. They played a fantastic match an succeeded in doing what nobody else managed at this year's Grand Prix, beating Brazil with 15-12 in the fifth set.

- I'm really proud of my players, we've beaten the best team in the world. Our defense and serve were really good today, were played really strong in the decisive set. This match was an important experience for us. It's a good thing that we did not give up after losing the third and fourth set- said the Turkey coach after their great victory against Brazil.

Turkey looked great yesterday, and managed to beat the untouchable Brazil team despite playing without a real opposite. Their serve worked brilliantly, bringing 12 direct points. The most important name on the Turkey team was Gozde Sonsirma, with 23 points scored, who successfully handled all attacks at the crucial time in the match. Neriman Ozsoy was great support as well, with 21 points. The whole team takes credit for this win, as you cannot beat Brazil without a team effort. Yesterday's victory raised Turkey's already high confidence to another level.

Japan are not far behind there either, as they tied together five victories. At the start of the final tournament yesterday they beat Russia 3-1 (22-25, 25-20, 25-21 and 25-17). this is the first time in history that Japan beat Russia at the final tournament, and they played five times so far. This proves the Japan team is a good one, as their fantastic defense brought them yesterday's important victory.

- This was our first match in Japan, we wanted to win it, and are very happy we managed to. Russia made a lot of mistakes today and that helped us win- said Japan captain, Kimura.

It's true the Russians were not at their usual level, but one cannot object the way Japan won. The home team served well, played with focus and did not falter. The key point wa the third set, where Japan had 12-2 and Russia made a 12-12 comeback, but this did not demoralize the Japanese and they won the set 25-21, opening a path to victory. They seemed confident, and the bench contributed significantly. Japan are a team with a wide bench, and will also have plenty of fan support today.
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